A new $25 million-dollar agreement approved by the Hillsborough Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) is creating an influx of funds to help train the next generation of manufacturers in Hillsborough County and will also support residents experiencing employment or business...
CareerSource Tampa Bay is seeking input from Hillsborough County employers. The survey will ask employers about the employment landscape after COVID-19 and adjust the services provided to employers in order to fulfil their employment needs. Businesses can participate in the...
Hillsborough County wants to know the concerns and challenges residents, workers, and employers have as they re-engage with work and social activities. Please take this anonymous survey, offered in English and Spanish, that will measure attitudes about a variety of...
According to CareerSource Tampa Bay, since February, unemployment in Hillsborough County has jumped from 2.9% to 14.5%. However, there are still plenty of good jobs out there in the field of manufacturing. ABC Action News recently spoke with Hillsborough County-based...
Few people can say they found a job doing something they love. And even fewer can say they did so straight out of school and within the same city. Chris Mizell is one of the lucky ones. After completing the...
Whether you’re setting up camp at home or dutifully washing your hands to the tune of “Happy Birthday” for 20 seconds, minimizing the spread of COVID-19 is a job that rests on the shoulders of each and every one of...
Hillsborough County’s Southern Manufacturing Technologies (SMT) is best known for producing components for aircraft, aerospace and defense industries. What many don’t know is that, for 15 years, SMT has manufactured a part used in GE’s Carescape R860 Ventilator—and as Ford...
The US and global economy are in uncharted waters at this time. Florida is no different. Functioning critical infrastructure is imperative during the response to the COVID-19 emergency and it will be even more important in the critical recovery effort...
As we all do our part in mitigating the damages of the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s important to consider what we can do to help and support relief efforts. In an attempt to help aid the nation’s COVID-19 response, the National...
Hillsborough County is putting out a plea for donations of medical supplies that can be used to help fight the spread of COVID-19 coronavirus. Medical schools, dental clinics, elective surgery centers, private vendors, residents, and others are asked to donate...